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Contact us

Association of Finnish Travel Industry
Vilhonkatu 4 B
00100 Helsinki
09 4133 3500
smal (a)

Heli Mäki-Fränti
Managing Director
09 4133 3550
heli.maki-franti (a)

Tarja Luoma
09 4133 3540
tarja.luoma (a)

Jenni Kemppainen
Coordinator - 
Training and Communication
09 4133 3530
jenni.kemppainen (a)

Association of Finnish Travel Industry

The Association of Finnish Travel Industry (SMAL) is a consortium of about 160 travel agencies, tour operators and incoming agencies that drives its members’ interests in relations with public authorities, legislators as well as in the field of domestic and international organizations. Total sales of SMAL member companies in 2022 was amounted to over 1.5 billion EUR, which is about 95 % of the sector’s total sales in Finland. SMAL members employ at home and abroad a total of about 2500 people.

Founded in 1940, the trade association’s international member network now includes about 120 other travel and tourism companies and entities such as transport companies, accommodation providers, domestic and foreign tourism offices, travel and tourism industry educational institutes, travel consultants, travel media and technology companies.

MATKA Nordic Travel Fair, Northern Europe’s largest travel and tourism event is commissioned by SMAL.

The benefits of being a SMAL member 

  • Be part of a trust-based network together with all significant travel companies in Finland
  • Counseling in questions concerning law and taxation issues
  • Visibility in the member roster and the SMAL website
  • Access to our annual meetings and events which are an excellent opportunity for connecting and meeting people
  • Educational events for reduced price
  • Possibility of joining the MATKA travel fair in our joint stand
  • Possibility to join the SMAL Rail&Road/Sea show as an exhibitor (an annual exhibition tour with 40 other exhibitors in four different cities)


Application for associate membership:



The annual membership fee is confirmed yearly by the Annual General Congress. In 2024 the membership fee is 750 eur.

For more information about our services and membership, please contact our office or by phone +358 9 4133 3500